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Take Nana to the Doctor Week, Sept. 11 - 17
It’s September, Gynecologic Cancer Awareness month. In response to the number of women at risk and diagnosed with gynecologic cancers, a non-profit organization, Project Nana Inc., is urging the public to participate in “Take Nana to the Doctor Week.”


This year marks the fifth year Project Nana has worked to raise awareness regarding the impact that gynecologic cancers are having on women. Of particular interest are postmenopausal women. A series of events are associated with “Take Nana To the Doctor Week.”
The first event involves postmenopausal women. They must take an advance eligibility survey before being admitted into a workshop on Sept. 10. Submit that survey by Sept. 7 to attend the Sept. 10 workshop.
The other events for public participation include an advocacy training session, health awareness walks and a wellness fair. Participants of all ages and genders are welcome to participate as individuals or groups in the later events.
Remain alert for advance registration deadlines so the event coordinators can smoothly advance the participants Sept. 11 - 17. Advance registration deadlines appear in orange.
Take Nana to the Doctor Week (2022)
10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Sept. 10: Project Nana Workshop at the Sentara Careplex Hospital, 3000 Coliseum Drive, Hampton, Va. One hundred post-menopausal women, surgical or natural, and women over age 55 are needed to complete an eligibility survey by Sept. 7 before arriving at this research project. On Sept. 10, participants will receive educational materials regarding gynecologic care and they will learn how to become a self-advocate during future discussions with healthcare providers.
Register in advance and help raise funds for important future research projects. The walk honors the life of Mrs. Merlice Henderson, the grandmother (Nana) of Vanessa Hill (the founder of Project Nana Inc.) who died unexpectedly from late-stage cancer of the uterus. Participants can make online donations to financially sponsor the event or walk in person on Sept. 11.
Visit the following link to register for the walk:

9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sept. 13 Peer Support Advocate Training- This class is now full (9/6/22)
7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. on Sept. 16, visit the website. Join the virtual Nana Chat, a monthly chat session designed to give women a safe setting to discuss topics relevant to their gynecologic care and improving their quality of life.

8 a.m. - 1 p.m., on Sept. 17: a Suicide Prevention Walk, "Move for Mental Health Wellness" will be followed by the Mind, Body, Spirit Wellness Fair. This 5K walk is held at the Hampton University Student Counseling Center. Participants can walk to honor individuals who have died by suicide. Learn about women’s health, and diseases that most often threaten their health, and learn how to remove the stigma and the shame associated with mental health treatment and suicide.
Register in advance:

10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 17 Walk to End Women's Cancers at the Mind Body Spirit Wellness Fair at Hampton University
100 Emancipation Dr. in Hampton Virginia.

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, Ivy Baptist Church of Newport News, Va., Gerontology Center for Excellence, Foundation for Women’s Cancers, Sentara, and Project Nana, Inc. are collaborating to conduct these events.

All the event forms and details of the events associated with “Take Nana to the Doctor Week” are listed on the website. Please note events that require advance registration in order to help event coordinators move participants along in an orderly manner on the above-stated dates.

Project Nana Inc., is a nonprofit with an innovative approach to advancing health equity for post-menopausal women. Through creative workshops, advocacy, training, research ad community engagement, the organization seeks to reduce late-stage diagnoses of women’s cancers and sexually transmitted infections.

About the founder, and executive director of Project Nana Inc.
The founder and executive director of Project Nana, Vanessa L. Hill, holds a Master of Fine Arts in Film from Howard University, a Master of Public Health from George Washington University, and a Bachelor of Science in Marketing. She earned experience as a public health advocate as a field organizer for a presidential campaign and while working at Sentara Healthcare starting as an EMT and now as Health Equity Project Manager. Hill sits on the patient education committee for the Society of Gynecologic Oncology.

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