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2023 Seasoned Women's Health Summit Highlights

Project Nana [health summit] was a life changing event for me. It changed my world! I was on a spiritual high for 5 days…I am always taking care of everyone else. However, this weekend has taught me that I am a queen and it’s alright to take care of me and to have me time. It’s important for me to be an advocate for myself.

2023 Health Summit Participant

The Purpose of the Summit

We aim to improve the health and quality of life of seasoned women. Project Nana, Inc. was established in 2012 to specifically help educate post-menopausal women, age 55 plus about continuing to seek gynecologic care with the hope of achieving early cancer diagnoses and improving quality of life. In September 2022, we held our Take Nana to the Doctor campaign in Hampton, Virginia, aimed at engaging women about pelvic health, cancer risk factors, research and genetic testing, and the importance of an annual women's health exam. Following the workshop and training events, five women were provided exams with a gynecologist. Three women self-reported that they needed surgical intervention, and one was diagnosed with Stage 1 Endometrial Cancer. It is our assertion that if we were able to have those results from just 5 women, expanding our program to 50 women, developing an in- person, multi-day summit to enhance social networking, and address mental and emotional wellness, adding a healthcare provider training component, and targeting a specific health policy in local health systems may lead to greater impact.

A Message from a Summit Speaker

Learn More About the Summit

Summit Agenda

Summit Speakers


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